Digital Transformation of Local Self-Governments in Montenegro

Photo: © UN Montenegro / Miloš Vujović


Project title      Digital Transformation of Local Self-Governments in Montenegro
Participating agencies      UNOPS, ITU
Lead Agency       UNOPS
Project manager       Milijana Vukotic, UNOPS
Timeframe      January 2024 - December 2025 
Budget       USD 500,000


Area of intervention 

Priority #3 of Montenegro’s UN Development and Cooperation Framework: Social cohesion, people-centered governance, rule of law and human rights.



Government of Montenegro - Ministry of Public Administration


Key objectives 

Improved quality of life for citizens by increased accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of local public administration, reached out through the tailor made support for further development of the local e-Government system in Montenegro.


Major expected results 

  1. Raised awareness and understanding of mutual responsibilities of national and local institutions (LSGs) in Montenegro for effective implementation and management of eGovernance systems (UNOPS/ITU);

  2. Improved skills, knowledge and strategic understanding of LSG's civil servants of eGovernance and inseparable principles such as interoperability, scalability, accessibility, inclusiveness, participation, human-centered designs, open data, cyber security and other relevant concepts (UNOPS/ITU);

  3. Developed Digital Transformation Roadmap and individual LSG action plans (UNOPS/ITU);

  4. Enhanced existing local policies and regulations, developed relevant cybersecurity policies and measures (UNOPS);

  5. Developed models for introducing priority eServices, e-Registries that are interoperable with other relevant local or national registries, models for opening specific datasets, models for engaging citizens and CSOs (UNOPS/ITU);

  6. Infrastructurally equipped LSGs for introducing e-services (UNOPS);

  7. Ensured alignment of digital transformation with unique priorities and needs of all local communities segments, particularly focused on vulnerable and marginalised groups (ITU). 


Target groups 

Six Local Self-Governments of Montenegro, with potential implication on the rest of nineteenth municipalities.


Implementing status

In the recent months, all activities were mostly carried out towards  revision of Project documents and the Budget, since there was a need to include ITU’s contribution into the narrative part of the proposal. Mutual correspondence and compliance of all stakeholders took a couple of months and in August Note to file was sent to the Joint Steering Committee for endorsement.

UNOPS and ITU had two coordination meetings for establishing the work plan and aligning on further steps, mostly depending on the findings of ongoing eGovernment Assessment of LSGs.

Also, a branding proposal for the project was developed in consultation with the RCO and in compliance with MAF guidelines. The project will be promoted under the catchy name “DigitAll Montenegro”. 


Contribution to EU Accession 

The project is aligned with EU accession benchmarks in the Chapter 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights. It contributes especially to the fight against corruption in the most sensitive areas, particularly vulnerable to corruption - public procurement, privatization, urbanism, education, health, local government and police.


Project brief description

Project consists of capacity building activities in national and local institutions to support the implementation of eGovernance at the local level, technical support for establishing local governance systems in selected LSGs, and purchasing necessary ICT equipment and software. Also, the LSG will be introduced to the GovStack approach in fostering sustainable and inclusive eGovernance, which aims to identify high impact government services that can be designed and delivered using GovStack architecture principles and reusable software components/building blocks.




MAF-Funded Projects:

 Digital, inclusive, and transformative education

EmpowHER Montenegro

Digital Transformation of Local Self-Governments

Optimizing Development Coordination


