Joint Steering Committee

The Joint Steering Committee bears the overall responsibility for management of the Montenegro Acceleration Fund. It is responsible for leadership, strategic direction, and decisions on eligibility, allocation and other managerial and oversight aspects of the Fund.

The Joint Steering Committee is composed of eight members:

  • two co-chairs – Government Representative and the UN Resident Coordinator,
  • two representatives of Government line ministries, on an annual rotational basis,
  • two representatives of participating UN Organisations from the ones that have signed to the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, on an annual rotational basis,
  • two ex-officio representatives of the Montenegro Acceleration Fund Administrative Agent and the Secretariat, respectively, and
  • two representatives from contributors to the Fund, on an annual rotational basis, as observers.
MAF Joint Steering Committee:
Vučić Ćetković :: Co-Chair ::   Diego Zorrilla :: Co-Chair ::
Advisor to the 
Prime Minister
  UN Resident Coordinator
in Montenegro
Anđela Stojanović Jakšić   Ekaterina Paniklova
Minister of Education    UNDP Resident Representative
Damjan Ćulafić    Stefanie Krause
Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable 
Development and Northern Region 

UNHCR Representative 


Mladen Grgić, Advisor to the President of Montenegro
Richard Kohli, Head of Cooperation, Swiss Cooperation Office in Serbia 
David Muckenhuber, Councellor, Head of Office, Austrian Development Agency
UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, 
Mari Matsumoto, MPTF Portfolio Manager,



Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the Montenegro SDG Acceleration Fund serves as a platform for discussion, with the purpose to enhance quality and impact of the Montenegro Acceleration Fund and advise the Joint Steering Committee on the key decisions. Establishment of the Advisory Board bears no costs. It is composed of well-known and independent experts. The membership of the Advisory Board is gender and age balanced, so to enable different perspectives and increase the quality of deliberations.
The composition of the Advisory Board applies for two years, with the possibility of extension.


Dejana Ponoš
CEO of Arhimed
Dragan Koprivica
NGO Centre for Democratic Transition (CDT)
Nataša Grdinić
CEO CMM Montenegro
Siniša Bjeković
Denis Mesihović
World Bank
David Vukićević
Youth Representative in the Council for Sustainable Development
Milica Pejanovic-Djurišić
Representative of academia
Željko Uljarević
Samir Jaha
NGO Mladi Romi


Caption: From the left: Željko Uljarević (KfW), Denis Mesihović (World Bank), Nataša Grdinić (CEO CMM Montenegro), David Vukićević (Youth Representative in the Council for Sustainable Development), Milica Pejanovic-Djurišić (Academia), Dejana Ponoš (CEO of Arhimed), Siniša Bjeković (Ombudsperson)
Photo: © UN Montenegro




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