UN Reform and Sustainable Urbanisation: Early thoughts from Montenegro
27 May 2019
Remarks by UN Resident Coordiantor in Montenegro on urban issues.
I am really pleased to be here to attend the first UN Habitat Assembly and as an Urban Planner, this is a professional space I am very much at home, and your first Habitat Resident Coordinator it is a particular pleasure to be back here thinking and talking about urban issues.
- My early experience in leading reform in Mne
- Issues I hear from other agencies that are link across a number of SDGs and have an sustainable urbanisation dimension (where there is Habitat expertise)
- Entry points for system-wide strategy – transformational force – 2019/20.
In this brief intervention, I thought I would cover 3 main points.
My early experience in Montenegro implementing the reform.
- Clearing the role (RR/with govern/logistics – space/offices/cars/with resident and non resident agencies)
- Building the team – engaging more with non UNDP agencies, spending time events – opening events, with visitors, at trainings (IOM/HCR; 100 anniversary of ILO; advising UNIDO); RCO office 2 in place 2 advertised, 1 international.
- Defining the priorities for this year - UN Retreat – management and accountability framework – in practice, workplan for RCO in 2019, where we can do more – strategic advocacy – MAPPS (EU Accession and Agenda 2030); country implementation of National Sustainable Development Strategy.
Issues I hear, (am interested in) in my in region, and as RC in Montenegro that relate to Sustainable Urbanisation
- I hear the messages on Non Communicable Diseases (SG priorites for the year, along with Climate Change, WHO big push)– salt, alcohol, but also regular daily exercise – walking/ cycling and urban environments that encourage this are key. (its measurable, its doable)
- I hear messages about sustainable mobility (SUMPlans – EU) – climate change response, but solutions still dominated by major road construction projects to solve sensitive transport, trouism and urban heritage issues. But also we need a big push on mobility for persons with disabilities. The details of street design, parking policy are key if going to be true to Leaving No one behind.
- I hear messaging though limited about land and property ownership by women – high levels of gender based violence, patriarchy and choices in violent relationship and low levels of womens entrepreneurship. Increasing land and property ownerships from 3 percent … a long term transformation.
- We have done work on Road safety. Numbers killed globally are and numbers of people killed in road traffic accidents 1.2 million, half pedestrians. Road accidents are the lead ing cause of death of young people between 15 and 30. Costs my government 30 – 35 m pa. Safer roads, (are one of the three areas of intervention – vehicles and people – plus better emergency response) Safer roads, are key space where the design and planning skills and approaches of UN Habitat could feed in directly. (WHO)
- We work on Peace and prevention – working together across ethnic divides. There is a role here for promoting Spatial connectivity – Euro velo 5, WWII Spomenk tourism trail, Via Dinarica and Upshift, youth initiative, workshopping with young people around their ideas. Bring in planning, placemaking.
System wide strategy – sustainable urbanisation as a transformational force.
- Focus on the UN Sustainable Development Strategy (New UNDAFs) – Common Country Analysis. Quicker, more strategic, more integrating. Generally organised around key results areas – pitch for sustainable urbanisation as a results area…. (social inclusion, environmental protection). Understanding of multi level urban governacne, urban and terrotoiral planning and design, Urban Data, Spatial analysis, mapping urbanisation trends, the overview and connectivity for prosperity side generally missing.
- Advocate for local government and partnerships/inclusion of cities and city networks.
- Joint SDG Fund – call around issues – one now on Social Protection. Innovative financing – later this year. What could that mean in terms of sustainable development
- packaging projects for bankability, urban extensions, housing upgrading, planning with investment in mind.
- Domestic resource mobilisation, property tax and more importantly land-value capture instruments.
- Response times are quick, new ideas need to permeate into UN teams now.
- Communicate with the RC’s – used to getting info through UNDP, bit of a gap. Brief them, invite them, use them and the team they will build as your advocates.
UN entities involved in this initiative
United Nations
United Nations Development Programme