Hottest July on Record
01 August 2019
- UN Secretary General alarms the world after the hottest July in history.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres shared powerful new data from the World Meteorological Organization and Copernicus Climate Change Programme today, including that July at least equaled, if not surpassed, the hottest month in recorded history.
“According to the very latest data from the World Meteorological Organization and its climate centre—the month of July at least equaled if not surpassed the hottest month in recorded history. This follows the hottest June ever,” said the Secretary-General.
“If we do not take action on climate change now, these extreme weather events are just the tip of the iceberg. And that iceberg is also rapidly melting. […] The world’s leading scientists tell us we must limit temperature increases to 1.5°C if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. We need to cut greenhouse emissions by 45% by 2030. We need carbon neutrality by 2050. And we need to mainstream climate change risks across all decisions to drive resilient growth, reduce vulnerability and avoid investments that could cause greater damage,” the Secretary-General added.
Today’s announcement comes in advance of the upcoming 2019 Climate Action Summit. The Secretary-General has called upon leaders from government, business, and civil society to come to the Summit with concrete plans—clear steps to enhance nationally determined contributions by 2020—and strategies for carbon neutrality by 2050.
Already, bold strides forward have been made:
- The Climate Action Summit’s Clean Air Initiative calls on national and subnational governments to commit to achieving air quality that is safe for citizens, and to align climate change and air pollution policies by 2030.
- The UN Global Compact announced 28 companies with combined market cap of $1.3 trillion stepping up to a new level of climate ambition aligned with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
- Individuals all over the world are invited to contribute to fighting climate change through the UN’s ActNow campaign. The ActNow bot recommends daily actions to reduce our carbon footprints – like traveling more sustainably, saving energy or eating less meat. ActNow highlights the impact that collective action can have at this critical moment in our planet’s history. The more people act, the bigger the impact.
For further information, visit the Summit website at
Auhtor: António Guterres United Nations Secretary-General