Further strengthening cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro
20 May 2022

Podgorica, 19 May 2022
The Parliament Speaker of Montenegro, Danijela Đurović, met with the UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro, Peter Lundberg.
Thanking for the strong support of the UN to the reform agenda of our country, President Đurović emphasized that Montenegro highly appreciates the good cooperation and support of the UN system through active action in numerous areas, and expressed readiness to improve the partnership in the future by concretizing defined initiatives. and launching new joint projects.
Pointing to the continuity of the political dialogue that our country has with the highest officials from the UN system, the Parliament Speaker reaffirmed Montenegro's strong commitment to fundamental UN values and respect for the Charter and international obligations, as well as achieving the goals defined in the 2030 Agenda. dedicated to preserving peace, security, development and protection of human rights.
Referring to the issues of social inclusion, such as those that are in the center of UN policy, Djurovic emphasized that this issue, through her previous personal engagement in the Women's Club and the Gender Equality Committee, is one of the priorities of her further activities. She also said that through previous analyzes of the mentioned parliamentary bodies, it was clearly recognized that good practices of the UN system could significantly contribute to defining some future quality solutions in this area. In that context, she reminded of the importance of raising quotas, which would ensure the participation of women in parliamentary life, in the percentage of 40 percent.
The Parliament Speaker also warned that, in that context, she is significantly concerned about the increase of hate speech, primerely on social networks, but also in public discourse in general, which is recognized as a problem that must be solved by adequate legislation in a way that would guarantee media freedoms and the right to copyright.
Speaking about the importance and role of the Parliament as an important segment of political life, but also the challenges facing the new parliamentary majority, Djurovic reminded of the importance of encouraging and initiating political dialogue, the need to pass laws on the Parliament and the Government, focusing on electoral legislation political actors, and securing the necessary majority for key appointments in the judiciary. She expressed the expectation that, in overcoming all these challenges, "there will be enough political maturity to reach the main goal, which is the European perspective of Montenegro."
UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Peter Lundberg congratulated Ms. Đurović on her election for a Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro and stressed that he is always encouraged by the appointment of women to leading positions in the country.
He stressed out the importance of continuous and very constructive cooperation between Montenegro and the United Nations, emphasizing his expectation that this cooperation will be further strengthened through the upcoming five-year Strategic Framework for Cooperation for the period 2023-2027.
"Through cooperation in the strategic areas of the five-year framework, the UN system will continue to support Montenegro in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and meeting national priorities, primarily EU accession," said Lundberg.
He emphasizing that the achievement of these goals must be preceded by progress in the fields of environment through ecological transformation, social inclusion and social protection, but also strengthening the rule of law, independent institutions and guaranteeing social equality for all
Noting that hate speech is a global problem, Lundberg pointed out that "it is necessary to fight against hate in all segments of life."
The Resident Coordinator reiterated the UN's firm commitment to continuing and further strengthening cooperation with Parliament and the Government within the Organisation’s mandate, expressing readiness to offer necessary expertise and experience.