SDG Acceleration Boosts County’s EU Accession Process
18 July 2024
Caption: Session of the Joint Country Steering Committee which oversees implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027
Government and the UN reaffirmed strong partnership in supporting Montenegro accelerate SDGs implementation.
Podgorica, 18 July 2024
Strong complementarity between the Agenda 2030 and the EU Accession process is an important incentive for Montenegro to continue work on accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals. This was jointly concluded at the meeting of the Joint Country Steering Committee which oversees implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027, which was co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Filip Ivanović, and acting resident coordinator in Montenegro Vladimir Gjorgjiev.
The Steering Committee has discussed joint results achieved in 2023 as well as activities in this year that the Government and the UN system in the country jointly implement, as part of the implementation of the strategic five-year Cooperation Framework.
Caption: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Filip Ivanović addressing participants of the Joint Country Steering Committee which oversees implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027
Minister Ivanović pointed out that in the first year of the implementation of the UN Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027, numerous programs and projects were implemented within strategic areas, and that the implemented initiatives represent a good basis for further deepening of collaboration on achieving Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030 in Montenegro.
"The support of the UN System to Montenegro in achieving sustainable development and goals defined in the Agenda 2030 is compatible with our European agenda, and the Government of Montenegro continuously confirms country's commitment to the sustainable development," said the Minister.
He emphasized that issues such as the further enhancement of society, based on democratic values, the rule of law and respect for human rights and freedoms, remain a key priority, especially considering the fact that Montenegro is in the final phase of its integration to EU and that further support of UN is of exceptional importance, especially in the context of providing support for capacity building in terms of promotion and protection of human rights.
Caption: Acting UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Vladimir Gjorgjiev addressing participants of the Joint Country Steering Committee which oversees implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027
Acting UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Vladimir Gjorgjiev said that today's meeting once again confirmed the strong partnership between Montenegro and the United Nations and pointed out that the UN system in the country remains committed to providing support to the Government of Montenegro on its way to the European Union and in achieving the Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030.
"In his invitation to the Summit of the Future in September this year, the UN Secretary General pointed out the lag in achieving the SDGs and called on the member states to fulfill the promises made during the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. I have no doubt that Montenegro is fully committed to fulfilling its promise for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which is a strong incentive for the country to accelerate its path towards the European Union." - said Gjorgjiev, emphasizing that this is also confirmed by the National Declaration of Commitment with specific country commitments for SDGs acceleration, which the President of Montenegro presented at the Summit of Sustainable Development in September 2023.
As part of joint interventions in 2023, the Government and the UN system implemented programs and projects of total value of 15.8 US dollars, and the amount of funds available for joint interventions planned for 2024 is 25.5 million US dollars.
Caption: Session of the Joint Country Steering Committee which oversees implementation of the UN Sustainability Development Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027
The five-year development plan – UN Cooperation Framework for Montenegro 2023-2027, which is jointly implemented by 18 UN agencies and the Government of Montenegro, in cooperation with national and international partners, defines the support of the UN system in Montenegro in three strategic areas:
• inclusive economic development and environmental sustainability
• human capital development, reducing vulnerability and social inclusion
• social cohesion, people-centred governance, rule of law and human rights.